The Houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine (whose titles are dukes of Lorraine and Kings of Jerusalem), Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou, among many others including the Freeman family, and hundreds of others. Be Wise As Serpents revealed for the first time (as far as I know) how all the heads (presidents) of the LDS and RLDS have been descendents of the Merovingian dynasty, and they and the Masons have both used the Merovingian symbol, the bee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The top Mormon leadership (LDS & RLDS) all are related and descendants of the Merovingians, but for sake of discussion let us take Brigham Young. Brigham Youngs first name was Brigham. It was given to him because of the importance of the Brigham family. His grandmother was Sibil Brigham. Sibyls were prophetesses of the ancient world, and the name is a semi-common occult name. Brigham Young and his family practiced magic. They were also intimately aware of their genealogy, which goes back to the Merovingian Dynasty! One wonders if it is coincidence that the Merovingians primary symbol--the bee is also the symbol for the Mormon church and Utah. Look at a Deseret Industries (Mormon thrift stores) building in your area and you will see the bee on their side. But not only does Brigham Young have Merovingian blood from at least two lines of blood (and possibly as many as 6 lines of blood back), but he also is related to the Collins family of Massachusetts that we wrote about in the 2/1/93 newsletter. Further, Brigham Young is also a blood relative of the Wheelers. This is the clue which is amazing. A. chart of all this is given on the next page. If Youngs Wheeler relatives are related to the Satanic Illuminati Wheelers, then we have an example of how 3 strains of top Satanic blood have interwoven and resulted in the birth of the Freemason, Witch, and President of the LDS Brigham Young. Perhaps the tie-in doesnt exist, but it certainly is worthy of our examination. DIGRESSING ABOUT THE MORMON CONNECTION There may be some disinformation put out on this by the other side after this comes out--so dont be taken in by their establishment. As I have mentioned before, a descendent of Joseph Smith, Jr. who was Satanic Ritually Abuse victim, has quietly told certain people that her family is indeed a Satanic bloodline. Further, I have mentioned other confidential pieces of information about how the leaders of the Salt Lake City Mormon church (LDS) are working with the various parts of the Illuminatis empire, incl. the Jehovahs Witnesses. Although the public split occurred between Mormonism and Masonry before the Mormons went to Utah, that was only for public consumption. The leadership have coordinated activities. The Mormon religion is really a high rite of Freemasonry, and this explains why when the Mormons went to Utah, the Mormons held Masonic schools. (Hosea Stout mentions these Mormon Masonic schools in On The Mormon Frontier; The Diary of Hosea Stout, ed. by Juanita Brooks, 2 vols., Salt Lake City: Univ. of Utah Press, 1964, 2: 415, 423.) After going to Utah, Brigham Young contacted the chiefs of Freemasonry in England and proposed that Mormonism be granted a public charter to become its own Masonic Rite. The hierarchy told him no. After that Brigham Young began to publicly distance Mormonism from Masonry, and the Masons strangely broke many of their own rules to distance themselves publicly from Mormonism. LDS apostle Reed Smoot was given permission to run for office by the LDS church. Pres. Harding appointed him to the World War Foreign Debt Commission, and he also served the elite as the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. The War Finance Corp. just happened due to Smoots arranging it to gave the LDS church a $10 million loan. Marriner S. Eccles, of an old elite family, and a Mormon (and an Illuminatus) became Sec. of the Treasury in 1934, and was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 34-51. Ezra Taft Bensen, later the LDS President, was appointed Sec. of Agriculture. David B. Haight, a prominent Mormon was made the head of all the Mayors in the San Francisco area--the full title is "governor of the San Francisco Bay Area Council of Mayors." Mormon Charles C. Cox was put in charge of the Securities and Exchange as commissioner, I could go on listing some other Mormons who have been placed in key establishment positions. Why? Why are the Illuminati and their establishment not afraid of these Mormons who have leadership positions in the LDS church? This is a whole area I would love to explain but as this article is digressing from the Freemans, I need to return to subject being considered. The Lords of Anjou (part of the P.d.S.) were Plantagents and so was one of Brigham Youngs ancestors. if we go back through the Goddard and Gifford family ancestors. I am trying to get my readers to look behind the curtain of organizations that we publicly, and to see what is going on back stage. And then I am trying to show how the people back stage are related and know it. SUMMARY We find the Freeman family popping up as the Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion, as a co-rounder of the O.T.O., as a member of the Skull and Bones, as a powerful ADL member, as members of Satanic covens, and as authors. of occult books, as well as other suspicious things. It also should be mentioned that two of the Freemans have been very important advisors to the U.S. Presidents and many other high political leaders. The Freeman family has all the earmarks of being one of the top 13 Illuminati families as my confidential sources reveal. MORE ON THE FREEMANS In 1991. Pulitzer prize winner James B. Stewart, the front page editor of the Wall Street Journal, came out with his book Den of Thieves. The book is the detailed story of how major insiders on Wall Street were systematic crooks. The four biggest names of the insider-trading ring were Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Martin Siegel, and Dennis Levine. Robert Freeman worked with the ring, and ended up pleading guilty after the evidence cornered him. I am always suspicious of exposes of the establishment done by the establishment's system. Often, the big crooks get away and the middle management take the blame. Take for instance, Iran-Contra. But Stewarts book Den of Thieves may be helpful in our understanding the Freeman family better. The Freeman family is one of the top 13 Illuminati families. http://www.geocities.com/lord_visionary/the_freeman_bloodline.htm |